The Blog
Thoughts, advice, and wisdom from one business badass to another
Give Yourself Permission To Evolve
When your business evolves into something different, it’s natural for limiting beliefs to come up. But you don’t have to dwell on them. Here’s what you can do.
Guidelines to Finding a Balanced Weekly Routine That Won’t Bum You Out
I’ve been experimenting with what I want each week to look like now for over a year. Newsflash — it isn’t consistent and that’s okay.
The 4 Pillars That Shape What I Do and Why
Sharing my 4 core values behind how I show up and the messages I share with the world to help guide you towards a path of healing.
My Magical First Year of My 30s
Want to hear about a few nuggets of wisdom I learned as I entered my 30s? I have four that particularly rocked my world.
Creatives! It’s Time for An End-of-Year Energetic Reflection
Here’s how you take time to tune in and reflect on the past year before you dive into the next.
From Designer To Coach: What Coaching Taught Me About Growth
If you’re wondering what to expect as you step into a new evolution of your business. Well, it goes a little something like this.
3 Ways to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone and Feel More Fulfilled
If you’re ready to choose growth too, here are 3 ways to help you break out of your comfort zone.
The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It: How To Enjoy Where You Are Right Now
If your grass is more sparse than succulent right now, this might be the reason why.
5 Tips to Find Corporate Sponsors for Murals
Having a corporate sponsor reach out directly, funds in hand, ready to partner with you on an upcoming project sounds great, right? Well here are a few tips from someone on the corporate side…
4 Badass Years in Business: Here’s What You Should Know
I wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t tried something new. But since I am, here are 4 pieces of advice I have for you from 4 badass years in business.
3 Permission Slips For Perfectionists
When you stop looking to others to validate what you already know, you give yourself the 3 biggest permission slips any designer can ask for.
Perfectionists! It’s Time To Give Yourself Permission To Play
Here are 3 steps to break out of your perfectionism so you can show up as your badass self in life and business.
Beyond The Screen: 4 Lessons I’ve Learned From Nature
Let me share 4 lessons I’ve learned from nature for when you could use a little extra green in your life.
A Colorful Q1: Reflecting On My Start To 2021
In the spirit of transparency, here’s what went down in my life and business during Q1 of 2021.
The Power of Community When You Work For Yourself
There’s a few steps to build a badass biz, and I’m here to share them with you!
What Does Freedom Mean to You and Your Business? Here’s How to Create More Space for That
Freedom falls into a wide variety of categories, but for the most part, it awards you time, money, or boundaries.
The Why Behind My “Weekly Wins”
As a lover of color, bold lines, and large murals, I’m here to spread joy. I’m also here to remind you it’s healthy to show up and put yourself first. Because if you’re not recognizing how incredible you are, who is?
How To Get Noticed and Feel Seen as a Designer
Are you the type of person who discovers something and you just have to share it with others? I am. That’s why I want to talk to you about how to find clients who value your work, are making an impact, and make you feel seen and heard as a designer.
Finding Freedom Through Design, Murals, and Color
The reality is, the starving artist stereotype runs deep. Many designers are scared to believe in themselves and their success. I was.
I Was Laid-off… Twice. Here’s How I Overcame That and Built a Six-Figure Business
What I keep coming back to is that being laid-off (twice!) could have been devastating. Instead, it helped me discover myself and my business!