The 4 Pillars That Shape What I Do and Why

March 7, 2022

It’s essential to establish your purpose — the ‘why’ behind what you’re doing — in your business. This allows you to have a strong foundation to keep going when you’re struggling and ready to give up. It’s your guiding light, and it’s a powerful reminder that you’re here for a reason.

My coaching path started with healing a little over 2 years ago, and in that time I’ve done a lot of work to get to where I’m at right now. It’s beautiful to reflect on the growth, the lessons, and the pain. I’ve learned so much about myself and how I get to create a safe space for others to go through their own journeys.

Beyond your ‘why’, it’s also helpful to develop the how, and that is those pillars (or core values) that encompass all you do, offer, say, and embody. How are you communicating your message to the world? How are you showing up?

I show up under my 4 pillars of freedom, magic, love, and play.

All of these connect to one another and back to the central purpose of what I do as a mindset and pricing coach for creative business badasses. I help you understand yourself and tap into your magic, so that you can make an impact on the world through your badass business, get paid your value, and (most importantly) live your life how you want.

So let’s dive into what my 4 pillars mean to me and how those show up when we work together!

🎉 Freedom

Freedom is that feeling of choice.

It’s finding ease and feeling fulfilled to do whatever the fuck you want. It can be making your own hours, taking vacations, and working less. It’s living your life to the fullest. Freedom is figuring out yourself so that you can find what this word means to you. It’s charging your Holy Fuck Pricing. It’s not having to take on a project you don’t want to. It’s being able to say no, and it’s being able to say yes and go for it when the moment strikes. Freedom is finding your own path in life and in business. It’s being authentic to you and no one else. It’s badass. It’s an incredible feeling.

I find freedom by running my own badass business, and I believe you can too.

✨ Magic

Magic is energy.

It is believing in possibilities. Magic lives in tools like oracle and tarot cards. It’s astrology, birth charts, and lunar cycles. It’s human design, reiki, the chakras, numerology, and more metaphysical ideas and exchanges. It’s synchronicities, serendipitous moments, and listening to you intuition. It’s both wonder and wander. It’s working with the natural cycles and nature itself. It’s witchy shit. It’s intention setting. It’s that creative flow when you’re just vibin’ and time moves both slowly and quickly. It’s mystical and wonderful. Magic is beautiful.

Weaving magic into my healing journey has been, well, magical. Having these sets of tools and being able to observe the patterns has expanded my perspective in life and in business. I use what I’ve learned and experienced throughout my coaching practice to guide you as you deepen your self-awareness. I’m here to make sure you’re truly listening to yourself and creating a business that works FOR you.

🧡 Love

Love is vulnerability and the opposite of fear.

It’s unconditional. It’s self love and self care. It’s romantic, platonic, and familial love. It’s connection and community. Love is caring deeply for someone or something (including yourself). It’s compassion and empathy, kindness without the expense of sacrificing your boundaries — and in the same vein, setting badass boundaries. It’s your emotions and feelings. It’s not taking things personally. It’s that beautiful place of transparency and authenticity. Love is feeling loved. It’s choosing abundance over scarcity. It’s believing there is always enough.

It took me a long time to be able to say “I love you” to people I care about because it felt scary and triggered my abandonment wounds. I’m still on my own self love journey but that becomes a more well worn path everyday. The more I love and heal myself, the more I get to love others and help heal the collective. This feeling of love has seeped into every area of my business and life, and I truly believe that when you choose love, you are choosing abundance and letting go of the fears and anxieties that weigh us down.

🌈 Play

Play is having fun.

It is your inner child. It’s how you heal from perfectionism. It’s getting outdoors and being in nature. Playing is laughing, which is truly the cure for anything in my book. It’s experimenting in our business and trying new things. It’s taking adventures and being adventurous. It’s exploring ourselves and all that’s around us. It’s spontaneity and the wonderfully unexpected.

Play is the connection point between freedom, magic, and love. It’s what makes it worthwhile. The more energy I put towards play, the more I feel light-hearted, optimistic, and safe. You deserve all those things too. Give yourself more permission to play.

Putting it all together

I guide creative business badasses like you towards a business that truly reflects you by weaving together all of these words, ideas, and principles together. The energy I bring forth while coaching is created from the place of freedom, magic, love, and play.

What kind of energy are you exuding in your badass business?

Let’s talk about it! Send me a DM on Instagram or click the button below to see what might be a good fit for you on your current journey.


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