Hourly Rate, Salary, and Yearly Expenses Breakdown Spreadsheet


Ready to figure out your hourly rate and the salary you deserve to pay yourself? Want to know how much you need to budget into your rates for your personal AND biz expenses?

Cool, I got you! Gather your personal and business expenses, open and copy the spreadsheet, and then enter away to see your data-backed numbers magically appear! Sit with this number, tune into your intuition, and then start using it in your value pricing packages. You got this!

Here’s what’s included:

1 AMAZING spreadsheet template and a linked filled-out example to reference

This is an editable google doc so that you can customize it by adding or removing what makes sense for you and your business!

And on top of it all, I’m making this super affordable so that you know your numbers. Because when you know your numbers, you can help raise the industry standards, charge your value, and gain knowledge on how to advocate for yourself to inspire others to do the same! Community over competition is our motto over here.

If you ever have questions or want to share your findings, feel free to email me at jess @ whitecoffeecreative.com or send me a DM on Instagram @thecolorfuljess.

The fine print: Don’t copy or share this document with your friends. Know someone who this would help? Send them the link so they can download it themselves!

🤑 Let's fucking go!

Ready to figure out your hourly rate and the salary you deserve to pay yourself? Want to know how much you need to budget into your rates for your personal AND biz expenses?

Cool, I got you! Gather your personal and business expenses, open and copy the spreadsheet, and then enter away to see your data-backed numbers magically appear! Sit with this number, tune into your intuition, and then start using it in your value pricing packages. You got this!

Here’s what’s included:

1 AMAZING spreadsheet template and a linked filled-out example to reference

This is an editable google doc so that you can customize it by adding or removing what makes sense for you and your business!

And on top of it all, I’m making this super affordable so that you know your numbers. Because when you know your numbers, you can help raise the industry standards, charge your value, and gain knowledge on how to advocate for yourself to inspire others to do the same! Community over competition is our motto over here.

If you ever have questions or want to share your findings, feel free to email me at jess @ whitecoffeecreative.com or send me a DM on Instagram @thecolorfuljess.

The fine print: Don’t copy or share this document with your friends. Know someone who this would help? Send them the link so they can download it themselves!

Ready to figure out your hourly rate and the salary you deserve to pay yourself? Want to know how much you need to budget into your rates for your personal AND biz expenses?

Cool, I got you! Gather your personal and business expenses, open and copy the spreadsheet, and then enter away to see your data-backed numbers magically appear! Sit with this number, tune into your intuition, and then start using it in your value pricing packages. You got this!

Here’s what’s included:

1 AMAZING spreadsheet template and a linked filled-out example to reference

This is an editable google doc so that you can customize it by adding or removing what makes sense for you and your business!

And on top of it all, I’m making this super affordable so that you know your numbers. Because when you know your numbers, you can help raise the industry standards, charge your value, and gain knowledge on how to advocate for yourself to inspire others to do the same! Community over competition is our motto over here.

If you ever have questions or want to share your findings, feel free to email me at jess @ whitecoffeecreative.com or send me a DM on Instagram @thecolorfuljess.

The fine print: Don’t copy or share this document with your friends. Know someone who this would help? Send them the link so they can download it themselves!