Year Over Year Comparison Template


Use this spreadsheet template to track and reflect on your monthly, yearly, and quarterly income as well as taxes, expenses, and your salary to quickly compare year over year and see trends and patterns in your business.

Remember these are just numbers! A lower income year doesn't mean failure, and a higher income year doesn't mean success. Reflect on the ins and outs of your business and life as you look at how these numbers change over the years. Your financial success is not your only metric in business.

Make this yours! Change up the colors, categories, or format so that it works for YOUR business.

Here’s what’s included:

1 fun-to-look-at spreadsheet template with multiple sheets for each year and formulas ready to go!

This is an editable google doc so that you can customize it by adding or removing what makes sense for you and your business!

I created this spreadsheet and have been using it since 2017. It’s so incredibly helpful to be able to look back and see which quarters I’m busiest to then be able to plan for projects and time off for vacations. It also has been a great tool for me to realize business income has ups and downs but to trust that I will make more. I hope this can be as powerful of a resource for you as it has been for me.

If you ever have questions, feel free to email me at jess @ or send me a DM on Instagram @thecolorfuljess.

The fine print: Don’t copy or share this document with your friends. Know someone who this would help? Send them the link so they can download it themselves!

Snag this fun template!

Use this spreadsheet template to track and reflect on your monthly, yearly, and quarterly income as well as taxes, expenses, and your salary to quickly compare year over year and see trends and patterns in your business.

Remember these are just numbers! A lower income year doesn't mean failure, and a higher income year doesn't mean success. Reflect on the ins and outs of your business and life as you look at how these numbers change over the years. Your financial success is not your only metric in business.

Make this yours! Change up the colors, categories, or format so that it works for YOUR business.

Here’s what’s included:

1 fun-to-look-at spreadsheet template with multiple sheets for each year and formulas ready to go!

This is an editable google doc so that you can customize it by adding or removing what makes sense for you and your business!

I created this spreadsheet and have been using it since 2017. It’s so incredibly helpful to be able to look back and see which quarters I’m busiest to then be able to plan for projects and time off for vacations. It also has been a great tool for me to realize business income has ups and downs but to trust that I will make more. I hope this can be as powerful of a resource for you as it has been for me.

If you ever have questions, feel free to email me at jess @ or send me a DM on Instagram @thecolorfuljess.

The fine print: Don’t copy or share this document with your friends. Know someone who this would help? Send them the link so they can download it themselves!

Use this spreadsheet template to track and reflect on your monthly, yearly, and quarterly income as well as taxes, expenses, and your salary to quickly compare year over year and see trends and patterns in your business.

Remember these are just numbers! A lower income year doesn't mean failure, and a higher income year doesn't mean success. Reflect on the ins and outs of your business and life as you look at how these numbers change over the years. Your financial success is not your only metric in business.

Make this yours! Change up the colors, categories, or format so that it works for YOUR business.

Here’s what’s included:

1 fun-to-look-at spreadsheet template with multiple sheets for each year and formulas ready to go!

This is an editable google doc so that you can customize it by adding or removing what makes sense for you and your business!

I created this spreadsheet and have been using it since 2017. It’s so incredibly helpful to be able to look back and see which quarters I’m busiest to then be able to plan for projects and time off for vacations. It also has been a great tool for me to realize business income has ups and downs but to trust that I will make more. I hope this can be as powerful of a resource for you as it has been for me.

If you ever have questions, feel free to email me at jess @ or send me a DM on Instagram @thecolorfuljess.

The fine print: Don’t copy or share this document with your friends. Know someone who this would help? Send them the link so they can download it themselves!