3 Topics You Can Hire Me To Talk About
June 14, 2021
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My first paid speaking gig was for the Baltimore Freelancer’s Collective. Michaela Flatley asked me to speak about pricing. As I recall, I literally said, “I have no clue what I’m going to talk about... but OK!”
That one opportunity opened up so many doors that I’ve now walked through. Since then, I...
Spoke about Holy Fuck Pricing in the Creative Compass coaching program
Had a chance to discuss the mural process and more pricing topics with Ladies, Wine & Design Baltimore
Got to chat with the Social Support Incubator community about pricing and proposal structures
Spent time getting deep with the members of AIGA Baltimore about going from designer to muralist
Hosted a second webinar with the Baltimore Freelancers Collective on setting badass boundaries
Was invited onto multiple podcasts – The Modern Frida, Between The Miles, and The New MFA – to go in-depth about my background and how I began healing my perfectionism
Do you see the pattern? There are 3 specific topics I just can’t (and won’t) shut up about. Before we get into those, let’s talk about my mission.
A few of the promo graphics for talks I’ve been asked to do!
My mission
My goal is to empower and inspire designers. To show myself and my business as an example of what’s possible. Even though we may come from different circumstances, backgrounds, and experiences, one thing remains the same...
If your business doesn’t bring you ease, joy, and fulfillment, WTF are you doing?
When you chase the money, the money will never make you happy. It’s about making time for the things that bring you happiness and asking for what you deserve. Once you figure that out, the balance and freedom you want are right around the corner.
Topic 1: Holy Fuck Pricing
I love to talk about the freedom to charge your worth, AKA to charge your Holy Fuck Pricing.
The starving artist mentality runs deep. But we don’t have to keep quiet about things in our industry that frustrate us.
I love to talk about my income and expenses from last year. I like to share how much I made from my latest project vs my first mural. I enjoy discussing my hourly rate compared to my industry’s. It’s only taboo because we’re afraid to talk about it.
I’m here to remind you that you get to feel good about your rates and your income, no matter what it is. You don’t have to undersell your services or what you bring to the table because you are enough.
Money talk really gets me fired up, so I would love to come speak to your community about how to value themselves enough to charge for their skills and time.
Topic 2: Perfectionism
Let’s talk about that feeling of “enoughness.” When you strive for perfection and, inevitably, can’t meet the impossible standard you set for yourself, the guilt creeps in.
Sound familiar?
I’m here to say that being perfect shouldn’t be the goal. “Perfect” means not having fun, being ungrounded, and feeling like you have to control things for life to be okay. In reality, you can’t control anything.
As a recovering perfectionist, I am slowly learning to release control, believe that my best is good enough, and be imperfectly perfect. I’d love the opportunity to share my story with your community and dig into how they can heal from their perfectionism too.
Topic 3: Setting badass boundaries
I could talk about boundaries, how to set them, and why they’re important forever. Why? Because I didn’t have any boundaries for 29 years of my life.
I know what it’s like to say “yes” to almost everything that comes my way. That is, until I reached my limit.
Don’t wait until you’re frustrated and overwhelmed to set a boundary like I did. Do it in a healthy, healing way. Set boundaries intentionally in the beginning. When I did this with clients, friends, and even family, I saw the transformation within myself. Now, I hope to help guide your community to make this change as well!
Like what you see here? You can hire me to speak at your next community event, for your latest podcast episode, or upcoming webinar by reaching out to me directly.
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